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        SAFE-TECH Security is a leader in the industry of CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television). CCTV is the use of video cameras to record and view on a limited set of monitors the activity in a designated area. The signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point to point wireless links. CCTV is often used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as homes, banks, casinos, restaurants, military installations and convenience stores to name a few. You can buy CCTV systems for personal, private or commercial use.

        To advance your CCTV we suggest combining it with our very own EyeSpy DVR technology. DVR stands for Digital Video Recorders which provide recording for your CCTV system which may record and play back up to months of video, with a variety of quality and performance options and extra features (such as motion-detection and alarm alert). CCTV systems may operate continuously or only as required to monitor a particular event.
        When it comes to CCTV we have a wide range of cameras for every need. Day and night, Remote Control, Wireless, long range zoom and many more. Cameras may be hidden or exposed to deter unwanted persons. They come in every shape and size from pin hole to industrial size. And with EyeSpy D Series you can view as many as 32 cameras from 32 different locations at once! For greater use you may upgrade to the EyeSpy H2 Hybrid Series where you can view up to 128 cameras from 128 different locations simultaneously.